Getting Organized Series- The Bookcases

So Im starting a Getting Organized series on my Youtube channel and I wanted to bring a version of that series to this platform as well. My apartment isn’t “huge” but there’s still a lot of places that could use better organization. In this first post I’m focusing on the bookcases. I just got brand new white bookcases and the plan is to organize the cases color coded. Not sure how long this will last but at least it will be pretty to look at for a while. That is until its time to put up the Fall decorations!!

I’m not sure when it happend but my decor style has become very farmhouse. White furniture and things wrapped in jute twine…The plan is to mix in royal blue and rose gold. We aren’t going to be in this apartment for too much longer so I don’t want to go too crazy.

I started collecting books thirteen years ago when I got married. I became obsessed with having every book in a series. In some cases, I have several copies of a series (hardback and paperback). Twilight for example and Fifty Shades of Grey. I also have all of the companion novels for Twilight, with the exception of the new Midnight Sun novel that just came out. It’s on the list though. There are several books in my collection that I plan on getting rid of. I bought them when I was younger and that’s just not who I am anymore. I’m not sure yet if donating them to the library is the right move or if I should try selling them. There’s a Half Priced Books around the corner from me and I might look there.

So at this point I’ve gone through all the books and getting rid of some is harder than I thought lol….I have it down to three very thin books and a set of Zane books that I likely won’t read again. Those are the ones that are sitting in the window sill.

It took a couple of days to figure out exactly what color order I wanted to go in. RoyGBiv was hard because of the black and white but eventually I went with a kind of ombre and made the tall bookcase all dark. I think it works. For now. We’ve been talking about getting one more short one and one more tall one to fill out that wall and that means more books haha!!