The Spirit of Fear

The ironic part about the title of this post is that it has taken me a few days to even get started. Part of that is procrastination. I’ll own that haha; but the other part is the fear of talking about fears at all. It’s almost as if talking about the fear, makes it even more real than it already is. Everyone has fears; not just children but adults, too. It could be illness, the potential death of a loved one, or even something as mundane as an impending visit to the dentist. Why, though? Illness, death, and trips to the dentist are an inevitable part of life. Yet those fears still exist. How can we overcome those fears?

2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

“Power, and love, and sound mind”. Those are all super important things. Do they outweigh fear, though? Fear can seem like a pressure that won’t lift. It presses on you…makes it hard to breathe…

Fear can also present itself like a mask you might wear to hide who you really are from those around you who have certain expectations…you fear they might not be interested in knowing the real you…

Fear can be wanting to step out on faith and do something BIG for God but being afraid that people will wonder “Who gave them the right to think that God actually called them?!”

Fear can be any of those things and so many others that I didn’t name. The point is overcoming those fears!

How have you overcome fear lately?